Research in environmental Eeucation in ANPEDSUL (1998-2000)


  • Edvanderson Ramalho dos Santos
  • Ademir José Rosso
  • Adriano Charles Ferreira


Referências bibliográficas, Pesquisa metaanalítica, Eventos científicos


This paper aims at describing the investigation and the evaluation of bibliographical reviews in the papers in Environmental Education (EE) which were published in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ANPEDSUL. A bibliographical meta-analysis with content analysis was the methodology chosen for this research. Thirty five studies of EE and 560 bibliographical references were analyzed. We have found that books are the main research source of the studies presented in the ANPEDSUL seminars (70%) whereas references to academic literature make up 20% of the cited sources. Since this number is so low, the area of EE ends up getting little contribution from these sources; otherwise, it could help to increase the transforming potential EE has in Brazil. Finally, the paper recommends several actions which aim at improving the academic production in EE.


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Author Biographies

Edvanderson Ramalho dos Santos

Aluno de graduação do curso de Geografia da UEPG, bolsista CNPQ de Educação ambiental.

Ademir José Rosso

Licenciado em Ciências e Biologia. Doutor em Educação pela UFSC. Professor da Licenciatura em Biologia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa.

Adriano Charles Ferreira

Aluno de graduação do curso de Geografia da UEPG, bolsista CNPQ de Educação ambiental.



How to Cite

Santos, E. R. dos, Rosso, A. J., & Ferreira, A. C. (2011). Research in environmental Eeucation in ANPEDSUL (1998-2000). Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 15(1), 109–124. Retrieved from


