Feminist networks between the unexpected and the calculation of instituted power







This article covers local experiences of feminist organization in educational and scientific institutions, with the aim of locating useful clues that allow us to identify the pressures that disarm feminist networks or that attempt against them and the possible creative resistances to oppose the totalitarian logic of instituted power. Likewise, internal problems in these networks are analyzed, such as competition, individualistic aspirations, and the difficulty of resisting external pressures, which put the desired organization at risk. Indeed, from the experience of organizing feminist activism spaces in the Cordovan academy (Argentina), the different phenomena that emerge between resisting and responding to the pressures of institutional power are addressed, in a scenario of subjectivities crossed by the capitalist heteropatriarchy. For which, as material for analysis, the own experience of organizing among feminists is used, in connection with historical readings about what happens to the subjects when the pressure of the instituted power operates on their bodies and subjectivities. Thus, the relationship between the micropolitical bets of creation against and with power is recognized; the difficulties that feminisms face to resist institutional pressures and the need for individual survival in heteropatriarchal and capitalist contexts.

Keywords: Feminist Networks. Patriarchy. Institutions. Capitalism. resistors.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Bard Wigdor, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/UNC

Doctora en Estudios de Género- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/UNC.


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How to Cite

Bard Wigdor, G. (2023). BETWEEN KNOTS, BREAKS AND LINKS: Feminist networks between the unexpected and the calculation of instituted power. Momento - Diálogos Em Educação, 32(02), 133–151.