The Concept Of Nature As A Starting Point In Rousseau’s Pedagogy


  • Vilmar Alves Pereira


Natureza, Pedagogia, Rousseau


This theoretical essay aims at showing the importance of the concept of Nature in Rousseau’s pedagogy. Since he was influenced by his time and could not be considered naïve at all, Rousseau inverted the logics of the prevailing thoughts regarding the belief that everything turns out well in the hands of its author, thereby arguing that men are naturally good. What kind of goodness is this? If we are naturally good, which is the need for education? These issues, and others, are discussed in this essay. We also defend the education that respects natural development by using some of the aspects we have found in Rousseau’s Émile: or, on Education. Clearly, the concept of nature leads us to think about education and the model of society that is expected in the context of the eighteenth century.


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Author Biography

Vilmar Alves Pereira

Doutor em Educação atua como Professor e Pesquisador no Instituto de Educação e nos Programas de Pós Graduação em Educação Ambiental (PPGEA/ FURG); em Educação em Ciências: química da vida e saúde (PPGEC/FURG e UFSM- como colaborador); membro do Núcleo de Estudos em Epistemologia e Educação em Ciências (CNPq/FURG) participa do projeto referente ao Observatório Nacional da Educação, financiado pela CAPES e INEP. Coordena o Programa de Auxílio Ao Igresso aos Ensino Técnico e Superior - PAIETS. Tutor do Programa de Educação Tutorial PET- Conexões de Saberes da Educação Popular e Saberes Acadêmicos. Contato:



How to Cite

Pereira, V. A. (2011). The Concept Of Nature As A Starting Point In Rousseau’s Pedagogy. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 15(2), 69–90. Retrieved from


