Evaluation of the Parque Marinha Wastewater Treatment System – Rio Grande (RS)
Activated sludges, Pollution, Sewage discharge, Vieira streamAbstract
This article evaluates the performance of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the influence of its effluent discharge on the water quality of a local stream, based on operational data for the year 2019, provided by CORSAN. The Parque Marinha WWTP, inaugurated in the early 1980s, consists of an extended aeration activated sludge system, comprising an aeration tank (reactor) and a secondary sedimentation tank. The following parameters for wastewater were evaluated: biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia, total phosphorus, etc. In the receiving body, dissolved oxygen and pH were also evaluated. The system was quite efficient in removing BOD and COD, but the efficiency in removing nutrients, especially ammonia nitrogen, was low.
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