derivas (auto)biográficas e poéticas na educação
Narrative, Poetic, ExperienceAbstract
This narrative text is an invitation for us to think and feel about other possibilities for researching and talking about our educational and research practices in education. Narratively investigating our practices flirts with writing and listening attentively and lovingly, betting on narratives as a possibility for enhancing educational practices, studies and experiences in/with/in everyday life and the knowledge and actions that take place in universities and schools. In this sense, this article reflects on daydreaming as a proposal for narrative craftsmanship, drifting as a possibility of giving new meaning to what is lived and narrative itself as a poetic act. Narratively investigating what happens in everyday life, taking practice as the centrality, means putting the subject's experience at the center of the debate. We are made up of stories, unique and singular, we narrate our experiences and memories, we share knowledge and expertise, seeking to weave other theoretical-methodological reflections by reinventing ourselves through narrative, in a process of personal formation in conversation with individual and collective memory. A singular formation inhabited by many "little people", with our singular and plural individual and collective histories and biographies, because we are made of stories, of many past, present and future stories. Living from utopias, dreams, daydreams, metaphors, presences, absences, crossings, enchantments, is an invitation to investigate and share these experiences narratively.
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