The contributions of Freire's environmental education (eaf) to the critical training of students



Palabras clave:

Paulo Freire, Environmental education, Critical Training, Critical Consciousness., Basic education.


Environmental problems in Brazilian society demand a collective commitment from everyone. The first step is investment in critical education and training. In this sense, the aim of this article is to discuss the contributions of Freirean Environmental Education (EAF) to the formation of Basic Education students. The methodology used was a bibliographical review research, of a qualitative nature. It is concluded that the EAF contributes to the formation of individuals who are more critical and aware of their role in relation to the socio-environmental crisis, through dialogue, the use of generating themes, debate and the proposition of interventions in reality, which go beyond simple activism of the environmental cause, but rather, the intervention transforms it into reality.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mairtes de Fátima Ramos, Centro Universitário Alves Faria (UniAlfa).

Graduated in Portuguese from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Master's student in the Postgraduate Program Written Sensu of the Professional Master's Degree in Regional Development, at the Alves Faria University Center (UniAlfa). She is currently a teacher at José Lobo State College in Goiânia.

Nilo Leal Sander, Centro Universitário Alves Faria (UniAlfa).

Post Doctor in Environmental Economics (UFRJ) and Environmental Sciences (UNEMAT). PhD in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the Legal Amazon (BIONORTE Network). PDSE Scholarship (2016) (UAEH) - Mexico. Master in Environmental Sciences (UNEMAT). Graduated in Biological Sciences. He is currently a researcher at the Center for Studies in Limnology, Biodiversity and Ethnobiology of the Pantanal and at the company Regenera Soluções Susteníveis. He has experience in the area of ​​Ecology/Ethnoecology, Genetics, Sustainability and Regional Development. Member of the board of directors of the Brazilian Society of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology, term 2019-2021/2021-2023. He has worked on interdisciplinary projects with a focus on environmental analysis and management and sustainable rural development. Participant in research groups: 1- Sustainability and regional development in the context of climate change; 2- Ecological and ethnoecological concepts applied to the conservation of water and biodiversity in the Pantanal.; 3 - Biodiversity research network in the Cerrado Biomes, Amazon forest and Pantanal in the state of Mato Grosso.


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Cómo citar

Ramos, M. de F., & Sander, N. L. . (2023). The contributions of Freire’s environmental education (eaf) to the critical training of students. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 28(2), 1–17.