The city landfill: approaching an environmental issue in Rio Grande, RS


  • Aline Pinto Amorim
  • Beatriz Mello De Albuquerque
  • Daiane Teixeira Gautério
  • Daniele Barros Jardim
  • Eduardo Corrêa Morrone
  • Rejane Magano Souza


Lixão municipal, Problemática ambiental, Educação Ambiental


This paper reports the analysis of an environmental issue in Rio Grande, RS, i. e., the city landfill. We analyzed the legal aspects regarding the issue of solid residues, national, state and city legislations. Besides, we identified the environmental impacts that occur when this waste is not properly treated. We reviewed the history and the characteristics of the city landfill and analyzed the proposal for a new landfill which was under construction at the time of this study. We discussed the socio-environmental aspects underlying the problem of the garbage, the existing landfill and the new landfill, thus, reflecting on the importance of Environmental Education to face this issue. We also analyzed the city proposal(s) concerning garbage and Environmental Education.


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Author Biographies

Aline Pinto Amorim

Pedagoga e mestranda em Educação Ambiental pelo PPGEA/FURG

Beatriz Mello De Albuquerque

Pedagoga e mestranda em Educação Ambiental pelo PPGEA/FURG

Daiane Teixeira Gautério

Pedagoga e mestranda em Educação Ambiental pelo PPGEA/FURG

Daniele Barros Jardim

Pedagoga, Psicopedagoga e mestranda em Educação Ambiental pelo PPGEA/FURG

Eduardo Corrêa Morrone

Agrônomo e mestrando em Educação Ambiental pelo PPGEA/FURG

Rejane Magano Souza

Lic. em Letras e mestranda em Educação Ambiental pelo PPGEA/FURG



How to Cite

Amorim, A. P., De Albuquerque, B. M., Gautério, D. T., Jardim, D. B., Morrone, E. C., & Souza, R. M. (2011). The city landfill: approaching an environmental issue in Rio Grande, RS. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 15(1), 159–178. Retrieved from


