Environmental management and school: the contruction of an environmental attitude


  • João Paulo Gomes de Vasconcelos Aragão
  • Karolina Maria Bezerra Santos
  • Marlene Maria da Silva


Gestão Ambiental, Escolas, Atitude ambiental


This study deals with environmental management in schools, based on experiences in Environmental Education. To analyze how the implementation of a simplified management system or a project in Environmental Education can contribute to the organizational and educational development is a fundamental task since the school needs to contribute to develop citizens who have conscious and critical attitudes these days. From this perspective, the authors’ teaching experience and the theoretical and reflexive discussion of different contradictions and debates that permeate the educational environment have been applied to the theme of Environmental Education and its insertion into the school context. This subject is part of the scope of environmental management besides being shown in the light of modern society in a holistic way in all areas of knowledge. The general public may, then, assess it, either believing in it or disagreeing with environmental practices in school.


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Author Biographies

João Paulo Gomes de Vasconcelos Aragão

Mestrando no Programa de Desenvolvimento e Ambiente – PRODEMA/UFPE; Licenciado em Geografia pela FFPNM/UPE; bolsista da Fundação de Amparo a Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco.

Karolina Maria Bezerra Santos

Graduanda em Pedagogia pela Universidade de Pernambuco, campus Nazaré da Mata.

Marlene Maria da Silva

Professora do programa de pós graduação em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente – PRODEMA – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



How to Cite

Aragão, J. P. G. de V., Santos, K. M. B., & Silva, M. M. da. (2012). Environmental management and school: the contruction of an environmental attitude. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 16(2), 27–40. Retrieved from https://periodicos.furg.br/ambeduc/article/view/2018


