Concepções acerca de educação ambiental de professores de uma escola com práticas inovadoras
Educação ambiental, relação ser humano-natureza, práticas inovadorasAbstract
This article presents a research that aimed to understand the relationship between human being-nature and environmental education in a basic education school. The research took place through interviews from a questionnaire and was analyzed through Content Analysis. The units of analysis that emerged prominently were: Environmental education does not dialogue with social demands; Conscious consumption and water management and; Human-nature relationship. As results were verified: a strong connection of the concepts and conservative conceptions of environmental education; approaches of a fragmented environmental education linked to the resolution of local problems as a mere formality and; understandings of conscious consumption, aspects of water as a commodity, as well as critical aspects in relation to consumption. In human-nature relationships there were contradictions with an understanding of human beings as separate from nature and also some critical aspects in these relationships.Downloads
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