Desenhos infantis como ferramenta de análise da percepção sobre o meio ambiente
Environmental Education, Design Assessment, Macrotrends in Environmental EducationAbstract
This article aims to discuss drawings applied to students in the 5th grade of an elementary school in the city of Santa Helena-PR, to verify the feasibility of using drawings as a tool for analyzing the perception of the environment. This work was motivated by the problem surrounding the difficulty of evaluating students' understanding of this subject in conventional ways. In this way, authors who discuss this possibility were sought in the literature, presenting scoring models and consideration of the elements represented in the drawings, in order to provide subsidies for their analysis, interpreting them according to their specificities, being able through this tool to analyze mental concepts that children build through their personal experiences and formal learning, concepts that they often cannot express through verbal or written words, finding in this tool a way to make themselves understood.
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