a critical environmental education perspective
Critical Environmental Education, Environment, Health in SchoolsAbstract
This study sought to identify the conceptions about Environmental Education of students in the Licentiate Degree in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Paraíba, and how they think they can contribute to environmental and health issues in the classroom, based on Environmental Education. Through a qualitative approach and under the epistemological orientation of Historical-Dialectical Materialism, a questionnaire was applied to twenty students of the Licentiate Course in Biological Sciences, at the Federal University of Paraíba, to understand their conceptions about Environmental Education and the theoretical approach and methodological approach to educational, environmental and health issues in schools. As a result, it was possible to observe a diversity of conceptions about Enviromental Education, as well as inconsistencies that reflect the lack of theoretical basis on its aspects and the superficiality of discourses about reflection and criticism in its practices. It was concluded that the deepening and understanding of Critical Enviromental Education are required in the initial and continued training of subjects who will work in education in the search for transforming reality.
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