School. Humans values. Didactics of Physical Education. Teaching work.Abstract
The point of approach in this research concerns understanding the need to look at human sensibility in the pedagogical action of SPE, understanding it as a constituent element of it. But, it should be noted that, unlike some traditional or neoliberal documents, we are based on a critical perception and a desire for social transformation and emancipation of subjects. Thus, the objective of the study was to analyze the perception of SPE teachers regarding the pedagogical function of sensibility in their classes and the consequences of this stance in the construction of a critical SPE. We opted for qualitative research, investigating the characteristics from a relational, dialogical and collaborative approach. The subjects who collaborated in the study are students of the Professional Master's Degree in Physical Education on a National Network (PMDPEN or in Portuguese PROEF), who participated in an Investigative-Formative Dialogical Circle via Google Meet. The results pointed to three categories: entry into the dialogue about critical human sensibility in Physical Education classes; solidifying critical sensibility as an element of pedagogical action; diversifying the reading of critical sensibility in teaching. From the results we conclude that, despite not being considered a specific didactic element, there is an appreciation of critical sensitivity by the teachers investigated despite the challenges arising from the brutalization in the school environment by other agents.
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