Popular education and environment: dialogues with traditional populations in the Amazon Region


  • Valéria Oliveira de Vasconcelos
  • Cristiano Tierno de Siqueira
  • Raquel Santos
  • Marcelo Salazar
  • Jeferson Straatmann
  • Leticia Neves
  • Allan Ribeiro dos Reis
  • Patrícia Greco Campos


Educação popular, Meio ambiente, Populações tradicionais, Amazônia


This paper aims at describing an experience in consulting whose objectives were the census of the dwellers, the socio-economic diagnosis and the creation of the Deliberative Councils in two Conservation Units located in Terra do Meio, Pará, in the Amazon region. Popular Education and Freire’s methodology applied to literacy programs for adults formed the bases for the tasks that were carried out. This process used some principles, such as communitarian dialogue and participation, and valued the traditional culture – consequently, the environment –, besides favoring a more participative and critical understanding of the reality. The experiences that were described can be used as parameters to work with traditional populations that live/don’t live in conservation areas. However, it is important to point out that the problems this research diagnosed are regional. Therefore, the proposals presented to face them were considered according to their specificity and idiosyncrasy.


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Author Biographies

Valéria Oliveira de Vasconcelos

Doutora em Educação pela UFSCar; Professora do Curso de Mestrado em Educação da UNIUBE; Consultora do ICMBio.

Cristiano Tierno de Siqueira

Mestre em Educação pela UFSCar; Consultor do ICMBio.

Raquel Santos

Bióloga Mestranda em Ecologia/UFSCar

Marcelo Salazar

Engenheiro de Produção; Consultor do ICMBio

Jeferson Straatmann

Engenheiro de Produção; Consultor do ICMBio

Leticia Neves

Arquiteta; Doutoranda em Arquitetura/UNICAMP

Allan Ribeiro dos Reis

Engenheiro Mecatrônico; Pesquisador da EMBRABA

Patrícia Greco Campos

Bióloga; Chefe da Resex Riozinho do Anfrísio/PA



How to Cite

Vasconcelos, V. O. de, Siqueira, C. T. de, Santos, R., Salazar, M., Straatmann, J., Neves, L., … Campos, P. G. (2011). Popular education and environment: dialogues with traditional populations in the Amazon Region. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 15(1), 47–66. Retrieved from https://periodicos.furg.br/ambeduc/article/view/879


