Invisible geographies: the city in the consciense and the conscience of the city. Production and reproductin of social injustice


  • Alexandre Eslabão Bandeira


Cidade, Consciência, Potência Humana


This study is an attempt to understand some processes that generate tension and conflicts within the model of designing a city and living in it. Therefore, we must perceive the arrangements, forms and processes which constitute our concrete achievement in space. The counterpoint is invisible since it is the relation of the existence of human power, in individual and collective projects, in its logical contradiction which is the city with its paradoxes. It introduces dysfunctional logics that self-organizes society and provides a basis for the illusion of belonging.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Eslabão Bandeira

Mestre Alexandre E. Bandeira: Graduado em Geografia Plena FURG; Mestre em Geografia FURG; Tutor/bolsista (distância) no curso de especialização em Educação em Direitos Humanos, do Sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB)/ FURG e Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa em Política Natureza e Cidade com trabalho na linha de pesquisa Observatório dos conflitos urbanos - FURG; correio eletrônico:



How to Cite

Bandeira, A. E. (2012). Invisible geographies: the city in the consciense and the conscience of the city. Production and reproductin of social injustice. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 16(2), 95–114. Retrieved from


