reflexões sobre a Educação Estético-Ambiental para a formação sensível
Teacher training, Aesthetic-Environmental EducationAbstract
In this article we reflect on an experience with Pedagogy students, establishing relationships with Aesthetic-Environmental Education; an innovative form of education based on the dialectical interrelationship between aesthetic and environmental values, with a focus on sensitive education. In subjects that deal with arts education in Pedagogy, we proposed an aesthetic-environmental experience, enriching the students' emotional relationship with the environment through the visual arts. The task was to enjoy an art exhibition based on a reading of works of art by Robert Ott, dialoguing with Ana Mae Barbosa's Triangular Approach. After the visit, the students wrote a report on their enjoyment, reflecting on the relationship between Aesthetic-Environmental Education and the experience which was carried out. These records made up the corpus of the Discursive Textual Analysis proposed by Roque Moraes and Maria do Carmo Galiazzi, based on moments of deconstruction, categorization and capturing the new emerging. The emerging categories analyzed here are: 1. the sensitizing power of a visit to A Sala gallery or other art exhibition spaces; 2. the act of enjoyment as a trigger for reflection, where the work is the mediator between the artist and the person who enjoys it; 3. gender and socio-cultural exclusion as challenges to be faced and overcome. The analysis allows us to argue that the triangular approach is a proposal for Aesthetic-Environmental Education that contributes to sensitive education by encouraging students to become motivated to experience art, broadening horizons and developing sensitivities and feelings in the personal and professional scopes.
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