include or integrate?
Educational inclusion. School integration. Right to education. Migrant children. Educational Policies.Abstract
Inclusive Education policies have advanced a lot in the world over the last 30 years. However, many children still have their right to education neglected, especially migrant children. This study aims to reflect on the conceptual differences between including and integrating and their impacts on guaranteeing the right to education for migrant children. This is a research with bibliographical and documentary analysis. Based on analyzes of the literature in the area of education and educational policies, we found that there is not consensus and universal understanding of which perspective is most appropriate to guarantee access to education for migrant children. The dubious understanding of the concepts is perceived, and with that it can reflect different interpretations in the way in which the teaching and learning process of this public is organized, implying in the difficulty of access and permanence in educational institutions. We see, therefore, that the right to education of this public is conditioned to the minimization of the challenges and barriers resulting from the migration process. However, we emphasize that the guarantee of enrollment does not mean access to education, just as it was possible to identify the need for teacher training so that differences are welcomed in their singularities in the light of the inclusive perspective.
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