Schleiermacher. Ricoeur. Interpretation Theory. Hermeneutics. Educational research.Abstract
This essay seeks in Schleiermacherian and ricoeurian theories a proposition for the work of textual interpretation in educational research. Understanding that Hermeneutics can offer, in itself, a theoretical, methodological and analytical path for the language exercises that prefigure many works in the aforementioned field of research, in particular, the work of analysis of texts and documents, of interviews, of discussion and focal groups, and in the work with the other that these techniques and instruments of collection provide. From the theoretical approaches of Textual Hermeneutics and Interpretation Theory, the notes presented here investigate the process of building a hermeneutical project, in its particularities. Also, it approaches to research in education provoking it to reconnect with criticism, a role it has always played, but which, in the last decades, has been replaced by writing, always light, pragmatic, which leaves little room for reading and interpretation of what is read. He concludes by calling on researchers in the field to use theories of interpretation, to work carefully with the language of the other, and to the many openings that this exercise of alterity presents us with.
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