<b>O projeto de instrução pública da República Rio-grandense (1836-1845)<b>


  • Itamaragiba Chaves Xavier


Instrução Pública. República Rio-grandense. Revolução Farroupilha.


The Public Instruction on the current state of Rio Grande do Sul was in total delay when the Farroupilha Revolution erupted. Some problems continued in the Republic Rio-Grandense. The Catholic religion continued to be the official religion of the State and was part of the contents to be taught at the First School. When the movement began, the country was in Regencial Period, and Instruction under the Additional Act of 1834, had been decentralized, but there was a setback of the Law in the Republic. The Farroupilhas saw in Public Education a way to coopt fans, having in it, an ally in the dissemination of the Republicans precepts. The “Farrapa” model of education was classist and don´t having by assumption, changing the state of things.


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Author Biography

Itamaragiba Chaves Xavier

Graduação em licenciatura plena em história pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil(2007). Tutorial para cadastro de autores no sistema

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes



How to Cite

Xavier, I. C. (2010). <b>O projeto de instrução pública da República Rio-grandense (1836-1845)<b>. Revista Didática Sistêmica, 8, 281–294. Retrieved from https://periodicos.furg.br/redsis/article/view/1329



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