<b>A contribuição européia para o paradigma da universidade Emergente no Brasil contemporâneo</b>


  • MarthaL Abrahão Saad Lucchesi


Universidade. Paradigma. Produção do conhecimento.


The objective of this research is to seek potentialities for the transformation of the still current paradigm in the Brazilian university through the study of research in the European university. The emerging university paradigm consists of producing scientific knowledge, for this is the epistemological soil where the teaching and extension functions of the 21stcentury Brazilian university are grounded. In relation to new paradigms and knowledge totality, the forthcoming possibility as a path to be followed is interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research (post-disciplinarity), as it allows for the establishment of bridges among researchers from several fields of knowledge. The approach method to be used is the deductive one, which studies a particular phenomenon through the lights of theories already established. Scientific production must generate diffusion and exchange of knowledge. From this point of view, we aim at profiting from the experience of nations possessing a long university tradition as knowledge producers. Likewise, Europe is privileged, for it historically established the first universities from modernity, which derive from the universities from the end of the Middle Ages.


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Author Biography

MarthaL Abrahão Saad Lucchesi

Graduada em Letras Português - Inglês (PUC-Campinas), Direito (FADISC) e Pedagogia (UNINOVE). Especialista em Gestão Universitária (UNIFIEO), mestre em Educação (PUC-SP) e doutora em Educação (PUC-SP). Tutorial para cadastro de autores no sistema

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes



How to Cite

Lucchesi, M. A. S. (2010). <b>A contribuição européia para o paradigma da universidade Emergente no Brasil contemporâneo</b>. Revista Didática Sistêmica, 8, 113–128. Retrieved from https://periodicos.furg.br/redsis/article/view/1206



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