Domingos José de Almeida and public instruction in the Rio-Grandense Republic (1836-1845)


  • Itamaragiba Chaves Xavier


Domingos José de Almeida. Instrução Pública. República Rio-grandense. Revolução Farroupilha.


This article is part of the research we do in the Masters in Education at the Federal University of Pelotas (FAE / UFPEL), which are mentioned aspects on Education in the Rio-Grandense Republic (1836-1845), during the Farroupilha Revolution. Domingos José de Almeida was chosen to be analyzed because of their important participation in the Republican administration. The sources used in this study are: books and publications on the period, the letters of the participants of the Farroupilha Revolution, edited by the Historical Archive of Rio Grande do Sul, the official newspaper of the Government of the Rio-Grandense Republica O Povo and O Americano.


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Author Biography

Itamaragiba Chaves Xavier

Graduação em licenciatura plena em história pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil(2007). Tutorial para cadastro de autores no sistema

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes

How to Cite

Xavier, I. C. (2010). Domingos José de Almeida and public instruction in the Rio-Grandense Republic (1836-1845). Revista Didática Sistêmica, 9, 71–85. Retrieved from



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