Evaluation of the Navegantes Wastewater Treatment System - Rio Grande (RS)
Aerated ponds, maturation ponds, wastewater discharg, Martins streamAbstract
This article evaluates the performance of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the influence of its effluent discharge on the water quality of a local stream, based on operational data, for the year 2019, provided by CORSAN. To evaluate the efficiency of the WWTP, the following parameters were analized: biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, ammoniacal nitrogen, total phosphorus, Escherichia Coli and sedimentable solids. In the receiving body, dissolved oxygen and pH were also analyzed. The system was very efficient in removing BOD, but the efficiency in removing nutrients was low. A mass balance for OD was carried out, which showed that in the evaluation period the flow of the Martins stream varied between 2,163.1 m3.d-1 and 80,921.2 m3.d-1, with an average of 30,860.0 m3. d-1.
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