Patriarchy, violence, religion and the occupation of public space by the LGBTQIA+ community
From the Home to the Street
Patriarchy. Violence. LGBTQIA+ Community. Recognition. Home and the street.Abstract
This paper addresses patriarchy, violence against women and the LGBTQIA+ community, the moral and religious values that have historically constituted Brazilian society, and the occupation of public space by the LGBTQIA+ community From the Home to the Street. The theoretical and methodological guidelines are Axel Honneth's conceptions of social recognition and Roberto DaMatta's conception of the relationship between the home and the street, which are complementary but have their own specificities. With these two main theoretical and methodological approaches, we seek to establish a relationship between the two in order to analyze what is stated in the title of this paper. Foucault, with his conception of criteria of truth and the construction of criteria of truth, was extremely useful in understanding the effects of internalized discursive practices. Methodologically, we are guided by documentary research, analysis of videos, films, documentaries, discussions, and reflections from the research group linked to the CNPQ “Collateral Damage of the Heterosexual Universal,” to which the authors of this article belong. The research question of this work involves: How do patriarchy and violence, often legitimized by religious discourses, influence the occupation of public space by the LGBTQIA+ community and how can this occupation transform social and cultural dynamics from the private to the public space? We therefore seek to investigate and analyze how the occupation of public space by the LGBTQIA+ community in Brazil challenges and transforms traditional social and cultural norms, and what are the implications of this occupation for the fight for rights and social recognition in the context of contemporary Brazilian society. The research question allows us to explore the relationship between public and private, the content of meaning of the home and the street, the intersection between the visibility of the LGBTQIA+ community in public spaces and the search for transformation of social norms and values. It encourages reflection on how the LGBTQIA+ presence in public spaces, from events such as the LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade to other forms of demonstration, can question and potentially reconfigure traditional conceptions of gender, sexuality, and citizenship. The presence of the LGBTQIA+ community in the context of the street space in Brazilian capitals demonstrates the search for recognition, that is, social appreciation, which also leads to individual appreciation, always necessary for human beings.
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