<b>Considerações sobre o conhecimento de geologia nos livros didáticos de geografia do ensino fundamental


  • Isonel Sandino Meneguzzo


Geologia na escola, Ensino de geografia, Ensino-aprendizagem


The main objective of this text is to present the Geology contents found in ten books used by public and private schools in this country. It also aims at identifying their level of details as well as the relationship between these contents concerning the current issues present in society. Some contents are still presented in a traditional way, without application and connection with other topics present in the books, and there is no connection with human aspects. Measures should be implemented by authors and teachers in order to understand the importance of the Geology contents for Geography (as a school subject) and for the students. It’s suggested a deepening in the Geology contents which are present in schoolbooks, because its complexity and importance in a context marked by the fast and many times disordered exploration of the energy resources throughout the planet.


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Author Biography

Isonel Sandino Meneguzzo

Mestre em Ciência do Solo, ambos pela UFPR. Atualmente é coordenador e professor do curso de Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental do Centro de Ensino Superior dos Campos Gerais (CESCAGE).

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes

How to Cite

Meneguzzo, I. S. (2010). <b>Considerações sobre o conhecimento de geologia nos livros didáticos de geografia do ensino fundamental. Revista Didática Sistêmica, 10(1), 92–98. Retrieved from https://periodicos.furg.br/redsis/article/view/1415



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