<b>Diálogos entre prosa e poesia constituindo contextos de educação (trans)formadora</b>


  • Aline Crochemore Hillal Leal


Formação de professores. Educação ambiental. Arte. Literatura. Poesia. Complexidade.


Written from the initial experiences of the master’s degree in Environmental Education, and from the learning experiences in the subject of “Environmental and Complexity Education”, in the following article, the author advocates that the practice of the intense contact with artistic works, specially the literary productions, in teacher formation spaces, is an important tool for the constitution of new productions: know-hows, how to dos, and transforming and complex ways of life. The thi nking re-form, as Morin proposes, overcoming the own dichotomies of the educational and scientific productions of Modernity, is the fundamental presupposition for the reflections.


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Author Biography

Aline Crochemore Hillal Leal

Psicóloga (UCPel), Mestre em Educação Ambiental (FURG), pesquisadora na área de Currículo e Formação de Professores, com interesse na constituição de professores rurais e ambientalização do currículo. Tutorial para cadastro de autores no sistema

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes



How to Cite

Leal, A. C. H. (2010). <b>Diálogos entre prosa e poesia constituindo contextos de educação (trans)formadora</b>. Revista Didática Sistêmica, 2, 1–10. Retrieved from https://periodicos.furg.br/redsis/article/view/1193



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