Journeys of 2013, from Rousseff to “The Captain”

Agents, latetent interests and the Brazilian institutional crisis’ trajetory (2013-2018)





Brazil, political agents, institutional crisis, PT, authoritarianism


This work addresses on the trajectory of the post-2013 Brazilian’crisis and subsequent institutional changes. In it, sectors of Justice and control of public accounts, technobureaucracy and capital joined forces with the rise of conservative political neophytes and former defenders of the Dictatorship period. It investigates the reasons for changes in institutional directions in force until Rousseff. Based on evidence, It analyzes the identity of political agents, their positions and the latents interests that motivated them to provide profound changes in the policies built in the 2000s to the 2010s. Qualitative, exploratory and documentary research, which follows a settled institutionalist approach in the analysis of the sequence of events in which the conjuncture and timings mattered to change the successful trajectory of the rules instituted in the PT's democratic-emancipatory governments, replacing them with new liberal and authoritarian-conservative institutions.


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How to Cite

FILOMENA, C. L. (2024). Journeys of 2013, from Rousseff to “The Captain”: Agents, latetent interests and the Brazilian institutional crisis’ trajetory (2013-2018). Revista Eletrônica Interações Sociais, 6(2), 33–53.