Um estudo sobre felicidade e trabalho docente no município de Agudo/RS


  • Dejalma Cremonese
  • Daiane Maira Soccal



felicidade, trabalho docente, bem estar


 This article proposes to bring reflections on the concept of happiness in teaching work in the municipality of Agudo/RS is proposed, with the intention of understanding the representations of happiness in the work of teachers in the municipal education network. The objective is to analyze and reflect to what extent the working conditions of teachers impact on their levels of happiness, stemming from categories such as salary model, political and social role of the teaching workforce, unequal working conditions, emotions, the conception of happiness of each teacher in their way of living. This article is justified by the need to promote a more in-depth study on the theme of happiness within the scope of teaching work, as it is considered that the theme is characterized as relevant and current, being able to gather information that contributes to the understanding of the representations of happiness and contemporary practices and also with future research on the topic. The target audience was twenty-one teachers, from the night shift, from the State School of Basic Education Professor Willy Roos, located in the city of Agudo/RS. This is a research with a qualitative and quantitative approach and will utilize methodological tools such as bibliographic analysis, documentary research, questionnaires. It is concluded that the respondents internalize their emotions and perspectives in the work environment, as a way of personal fulfillment and life mission. In general, they are professionals who need to be encouraged and mobilized frequently, and they need, above all, to feel part of the process, as a promising potential, and thus feel happy and the protagonist of his life and professional trajectory.

Author Biography

Daiane Maira Soccal

Mestra pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Sociais na UFSM

Especialista pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Sociologia para
Ensino Médio pela UFSM

Graduada em Sociologia e Pedagogia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM
Graduada em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas – UFPEL
Coordenadora Pedagógica – Secretaria Municipal de Agudo/RS
Professora da rede Estadual e Municipal de Agudo/RS


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How to Cite

Cremonese, D., & Maira Soccal, D. (2024). Um estudo sobre felicidade e trabalho docente no município de Agudo/RS . Revista Eletrônica Interações Sociais, 6(2), 112–128.