The digital is political
bisexual activism and appropriation of digital media
Based on observations from our researchs on bisexuality along with the bibliography on the subject, as well as on digital media and social movements, we aim to explore bisexual activism according to its uses of digital media, both from collectives and individually by the subjects. Like other groups, bisexuals have organized themselves around their agendas, taking important steps in recent years with appropriations of the digital towards the production of references and visibilities. Similarly to the catchphrase which characterizes guidelines of the so-called second-wave feminism, in the idea that “the personal is political”, we rely on the argument that digital is also political because it is a field of disputes, and therefore, it cannot be seen as neutral, being intrinsic to everyday struggles insofar as it reproduces conditions of social, sexual and gender (in)equality.
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A proposta de publicação observa e atende a Lei de Direito Autoral n. 9610/98, a Lei nº 5.805/72, bem como os Acordos e Tratados Internacionais de Direito Autoral em vigor no Brasil, quais sejam: Convenção de Berna para a Proteção de Obras Literárias e Artísticas (Decreto Nº 75.699, DE 6 DE MAIO DE 1975), Convenção Universal sobre o Direito de Autor (Decreto Nº 76.905, de 24 DE DEZEMBRO DE 1975), e a Convenção Interamericana sobre os Direitos de Autor em Obras Literárias, Científicas e Artísticas (Decreto Nº 26.675, DE 18 DE MAIO DE 1949).
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