Intelectuais e limpeza étnica na guerra da Bósnia de 1992-1995: contribuições e legado.
Intelectuais – Guerra da Bósnia – Limpeza étnicaAbstract
Abstract: The present article analyses the role the Serbian and Bosnian Serbian intellectuals played in the promotion of the ethnic cleansing during the war in Bosnia during the period of 1992 to 1995 to observe how their condition of cultural agents influenced or impacted this historic event. Moreover, the article aims at observing the legacy of these intellectuals to the country after the end of the war. Our main claim is that the role of these intellectuals, both from inside and outside the country – was instrumental to the advancement of the political leaders´ discourses which aimed at defining the Bosnian Muslims as inferior in order to justify the ethnic cleansing. Finally, we point out to the permanence of the ethnic nationalist legacy of the Serbian intellectuals in the contemporary Bosnian society which has been presenting some serious threat to the peace promoted by the 1992 Dayton Accords.
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