Direito natural, antropofagia e guerra justa na História do Direito Internacional: uma leitura da Relectio De Temperantia e do Fragmentum, de Francisco de Vitória
Francisco de Vitória, De Temperantia, Jus Gentium, Guerra JustaAbstract
The object of study of this article is a set of texts by Francisco de Vitoria: the Relectio De Temperantia and its Fragmentum, both from 1537. These texts are of crucial importance for the study of the history of international law, being prior to the famous Relectiones De Indis Noviter Inventis, and De Jure Bellis Hispanorum in Barbaros, dating from 1539, which were analyzed by Antony Anghie, a critical historian of international law adopted as a theoretical framework. It is argued, with Anghie, that international law has colonial origins and is deeply marked by the dynamics of difference. The study of Francisco de Vitoria's first texts that deal with the theme of the colonial encounter sheds new light on the origins of modern jus gentium, revealing tensions and ambiguities in the origins of the discipline when dealing with anthropophagy as a foundation for just war in accordance with the natural law.
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