La Dieta de Maduro
Venezuelan migration, geopolitics and food
La Dieta de Maduro, Geopolitics, Venezuelan migrationAbstract
The article reviews Venezuela's position in international geopolitics and the political and economic changes that have taken place in the country in recent decades. This panorama contributes to the understanding of the so-called “humanitarian crisis” that goes beyond national borders. For many Venezuelans interviewed during field research between 2016-2020, the Venezuelan migration to Brazil is explained as the running away from La Dieta de Maduro, an anecdote that expresses discontent with the current political regime and blames the President of the Republic for the shortage of foodstuffs in the country. Starting from this “native” concept, of polyphonic character, we present the tangle of political and economic interests, internal and external, that promote social instability, food restrictions and drive emigration movements. Finally, we reflect on the relationship between a “crisis policy”, internationally agreed, and the state of “political crisis” in Venezuela.
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