Egg production of the coastal copepods Acartia tonsa, Temora stylifera e Temora turbinata from Cassino Beach - RS, southern Brazil


  • Sônia Márcia Kaminski
  • Mônica Adelina Montú



Copepoda, Acartia tonsa, Temora stylifera, Temora turbinata, Produção de ovos, Egg production


The egg production of the copepods Acartia tonsa, Temora stylifera and Temora turbinata was studied in laboratory. Male and female individuals of each species were collected from the natural environment and kept in laboratory conditions, at the temperature of 20 +- 1ºC, salinity of 30 +- 2, photoperiod of 12h:12h and fed with the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata and Chaetoceros calcitrans offered in abundance. Experiments had a duration of 5 days, and the first day reflected the egg production under the environment influence. Females showed a great individual variability in the egg production and followed a pattern of continuous production without interruptions in the spawning. For Acartia tonsa the mean varied between 14 and 34 eggs, for Temora stylifera between 7 and 45, and for Temora turbinate between 5 and 21 In general, the relative production at the first 24 hours didn’t differ significantly of that found in culture conditions, indicating a good potential of culture for these studied species.


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Author Biographies

Sônia Márcia Kaminski

Mestrado em Aqüicultura pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC (2004). Atualmente é pesquisadora em oceanografia biológica e zooplâncton.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes

Mônica Adelina Montú

Doutorado em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (1972). Atualmente é Professora Titular Aposentada da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes



How to Cite

Kaminski, S. M., & Montú, M. A. (2011). Egg production of the coastal copepods Acartia tonsa, Temora stylifera e Temora turbinata from Cassino Beach - RS, southern Brazil. Atlântica (Rio Grande), 27(2), 103–111.ântica.v27i2.2180


